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Hope Church Daniels Fast
Fasting & Prayer Guide for 2025

#1 Prepare your hearts by asking the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of weakness.
Forgive all who have offended you and ask forgiveness from those you may have offended (Mark 11:25; Luke 11:4; 17:3-4). Surrender yourself fully to Jesus and let go of every habit and desire that would hinder you (Romans 12:1-2). Remember to focus your time during the fast on prayer and studying the Word of God.

#2 Physically when you fast, your body detoxifies, eliminating toxins from your system.
This can cause mild discomfort such as headaches and irritability during withdrawal from caffeine and sugars. And naturally, you will have hunger pains. Limit your activity and exercise moderately. Take time to rest. Fasting brings about miraculous results. You are following Jesus’ example when you fast. Spend time listening to praise and worship music. Pray as often as you can throughout the day. Get away from the normal distractions as much as possible and keep your heart and mind set on seeking God’s face.

#3 The Holy Spirit is stirring hearts for deeper communion.
Through this intentional period of pressing into His presence, we anticipate breakthrough, revelation, and spiritual awakening – both personally and corporately as the Body of Christ at Hope Church.

#4 Foods to Include
All fruits:
These can be fresh, frozen, dried, juiced or canned (watch out for added sugar). Apples, Apricots, Avocados, Bananas, Berries, Blackberries, Blueberries, Boysenberries, Breadfruit, Cantaloupe, Cherries, Coconuts, Cranberries Dates. Figs, Grapefruit, Grapes, Grenadine Guava, Honeydew Melons, Kiwi, Lemons, Limes, Mangoes, Melons, Mulberry, Nectarines Oats, Olives, Oranges, Papayas, Peaches, Pears, Pineapples, Plums, Prunes, Raisins, Raspberries, Strawberries, Tangelos, Tangerines, and Watermelon.

All vegetables:
These can be fresh, frozen, dried, juiced or canned (watch salt content). Artichokes, Asparagus, Beets, Broccoli, Brussel, Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Chili Peppers, Collard Greens, Corn Cucumbers. Eggplant, Garlic, Ginger Root, Kale, Leeks, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Mustard Greens, Okra, Onions, Parsley, Peppers, and Potatoes.

Radishes, Rutabagas, Scallions, Spinach, Sprouts, Squashes, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes, Turnips, Watercress, Yams, Zucchini, Dried Beans, Black Beans, Cannellini, Pinto Beans, Split Peas, Lentils, Black Eyed Peas, Beans, Lentils, Lupines, White Peas, Green Beans, Green Peas, Kidney Beans and Peanuts (includes natural peanut butter).

All Nuts (raw, unsalted), Sprouts, Ground Flax, Sesame Almonds, Natural Almond Butter, Cashews, Walnuts, Sunflower, Whole Wheat Brown Rice, Millet, Quinoa, Oats, Whole Wheat Pasta, Whole Wheat Tortillas, Plain Rice Cakes and Popcorn.

Whole Grain:
Rolled Oats and Plain Oatmeal.

Water (spring, distilled, filtered), Unsweetened Soy Milk, 100% Fruit/Vegetable Juice (no added sugar).

Tofu, Soy products, Vinegar Seasonings, Sea Salt Herbs and Spices, Olive Oil.

#5 Foods to Avoid
-All meat and animal products including but not limited to: beef, lamb, pork, poultry, and fish.
-All dairy products including but not limited to: milk, cheese, cream, butter, and eggs.
-All sweeteners including but not limited to: sugar, raw sugar, honey, syrups, molasses, and cane juice.
-All leavened bread and baked goods.
-All refined and processed food products including but not limited to: artificial flavorings, food additives, chemicals, white rice, white flour, and foods that contain artificial preservatives.
-All deep fried foods including but not limited to: potato chips, French fries, and corn chips.
-All solid fats including: shortening, margarine, lard and foods high in fat.
-Beverages including but not limited to: coffee, tea, herbal teas, carbonated beverages, energy drinks, and alcohol.

#6 Nutritional Concerns
Protein Protein is the building block of our bodies, it is necessary for life. Many people have concerns about consuming enough protein when they abstain from all meat and animal products. Protein can be found in nearly all vegetables, beans, grains, nuts and seeds. As long as you consume a variety of whole unrefined grains, legumes, seeds, nuts and vegetables throughout the day, you will probably get enough protein.